Oliver Shows
I visited Oliver Shows in Ocala, Florida in 1994 and we spoke at length about the family. At the time, Oliver was legally blind but could still walk unassisted.
He as an avid gardener and his yard was thick with beautiful plants.
He was very interested in visiting the grave site of Granpaw Jake which he said was located at Sweetwater Baptist Church near Luverne, Alabama. He said that his father had taken him there as a boy and he knew exactly where the grave was located. However, he added that there is no grave marker. This was Jacob Jackson Shows, his great, great grandfather. He and his son, Oliver, Jr., gave copies of family documents to me at this time.
Oliver died in 1999 as a result of a blow from a tree limb. He and his son Junior were trimming a tree on their property near Ocala when Oliver walked under the tree and a large limb struck him. He died a few hours later of a heart attack.
by Ron Shows
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